MINISTRY EXPERIENCE - From 1975 to 1989, my family and I lived in Kenya, East Africa. As a pioneer church planter, I worked among two tribal groups, the Pokot and the Turkana, in the desert northwest. During our time in Africa, 13 churches and a Bible Institute was established and we produced a three-year study curriculum in Swahili. I continue to work in Kenya training nationals as missionaries to serve in other regions of Africa.
From 1989 to 2003, I served as Vice President for Intercultural Training for United World Mission. I founded and established the Center for Intercultural Training, training over 400 hundred missionaries from 20 different mission agencies.
In 2003, Lewis Cross-Cultural Training, Inc. was formed. A certified 501(c)3 non-profit organization, LCCTI is a training-at-large organization. Most of our work is that of non-resident missionary, partnering with national pastors and leaders in formal and non-formal teaching.
TEACHING EXPERIENCE - International Trainer/Consultant in now over 50 countries; adjunct professor in Africa and Asia; area of expertise is in intercultural studies, cultural anthropology, cross-cultural communication, scripture and anthropology, and conflict resolution.
• 2015 “How Teams Work: A Case Study in Senegal, West Africa.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 51(4): 353–464.
• 2013 “It’s Tuesday. Now What Do I Do?” Amazon Kindle.
• 2009 “How Cultures Work.” Evangelical Missions Quarterly 45 (1) 38-45.
• 1991 Social Structure of Kara Pokot: Implications for Church Planting. DMiss. Dissertation
DMiss. BIOLA University 1991
M.A. Intercultural Studies. BIOLA University 1987
B.A. Theology. Baptist Bible College, Springfield, MO 1970
FAMILY My wife (Sandy) and have been married since August 23, 1968. Two daughters, Becky, who lives in Watts, OK and Sara, who lives in Senegal, West Africa. Five grandchildren.